Cedar Cliff
7901 Kishwaukee Road, Stillman Valley, IL 61084

Cedar Cliff, acquired in 2017, features 60-foot high limestone cliffs that extend 800 feet along the Rock River. The former farmland is being restored to short grass prairie habitat. The unique cliff habitat along the river protects unique plant communities. An area of forest near the cliffs is being restored and managed as mesic forest. This preserve is ideal for hiking, sightseeing and wildlife viewing. The cliffs offer dramatic views of the Rock River.
Acres: 167.2
Access Road: off of Kishwaukee Road
Restrooms: No
Drinking Water: No
Picnic Tables: No
Shelterhouses: No
Playground Equipment: No
Ball Fields: No
Horseback Trails: No
Hiking Trails(miles): 1.8
Campground Sites: No
Boat Launch: No
Canoe Launch: No
18 Hole Golf Course: No
Illinois Nature Preserve: No
Donated Land: No
Natural Areas: No